My daughter owns a 9 yr. old Morgan. He was excellent when we got him. (1month ago) He would walk, trot, cantor, and follow commands. He is now bucking when she tries to do anything but walk. I should mention that he has gained about 40lbs. and this change took place in a previous horse we had and we had to get rid of it. PLEASE let me know what I should do. I really want to see her happy with this horse! THANKS


Hi Helen,

Do you lunge him, or run him around in a round pen or turn him out before you ride him? Horses feel good a lot of the time and some of them just are too fresh to get on without letting them play first and get a little tired. If this does not help there is not much I can say, but to get some help due to the fact that I am only guessing at the problem and cannot see it first hand. Saddle him up first and run him around for twenty minutes or so with the saddle on then try riding him. If there is still problems, e-mail me back and we will try something else. I have a nine-year-old boy and the last thing I would do is put him on a horse that bucks, get someone else or an adult to knock him around first before you put a little child on him.

